342185052_1250594885551427_4406426457986240850_n Attached Source South Jersey and Environs – Day Tripping I started this page about local travel quite a while ago, before COVID-19 was a thing, never knowing that all travel, even local would come to a halt. Now, with short adventures to get some fres... 342180136_3512615529058903_5935670150375513323_n 342187350_1930236883978635_7130521071255021537_n
November 11, 2018 Karen Kurtz The Springs of Missouri in the FallIf you are following the trilogy of posts of our 4200 mile road trip, you are ready for the second p...
June 16, 2023 Karen Kurtz Mainly MaineMaine in May is known to be a great time to see moose along the roadways. We’ve been to Maine...